Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Re: Updated XQuery Syntax File

On 22/06/10 21:11, René 'Necoro' Neumann wrote:
> Hey list,
> I have enhanced/fixed the current xquery syntax highlighting. Is there
> any way of getting it somewhere into the vim release? Or at least to
> some more public way?
> I have spoken already to the original author, but he's currently not
> using XQuery (anymore).
> Would be nice, if somebody can give me some pointers :). And a review of
> the syntax file wouldn't be bad either.
> Thanks,
> René

You've just posted it where Vim users may look at it, and test it (by
dropping it in $VIM/vimfiles/syntax) if it strikes their fancy. If you
want, you may upload it to the scripts section of the www.vim.org site
so it doesn't get lost. If, after using it for some time, xquery-using
Vimmers (if any) declare it fit for public use, Bram may decide to make
it part of the "official" distribution. This would make you the "current
maintainer" of the syntax/xquery.vim script, which means you'd be
responsible for fixing any bugs found by any users.

Best regards,
There's never time to do it right, but always time to do it over.

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