Tuesday, June 22, 2010

RE: Updated XQuery Syntax File

René 'Necoro' Neumann wrote:
>> you may upload it to the scripts section of the www.vim.org
>> site
> Do you know whether there is some 'transfer ownership'
> possibility in the scripts section? As the current xquery
> syntax is already using a script place.

Unfortunately there is no procedure to update a script page,
other than to have its original author make the change. The
normal ugly practice is for a new script to be uploaded and to
have the description briefly say something like "based on" or
"enhanced from" script X. When your script is in place, you
might ask the original author to update their script description
to mention yours as a newer version. Also, you can use the
"wiki" link near the top of the page (on both the old and new
versions) to edit the wiki with a brief statement of the


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