Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Unable to catch specific error [was: Re: delete lines from while loop]

On Ma, 01 iun 10, 21:32:01, Tom Link wrote:
> >    for linenum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
> You might want to delete the lines in reverse order, i.e. from the
> bottom to the top.

Tried that, but couldn't find the right incantation, this is my first
try at vimscript ;)

> I also wonder if you could make use of the :g
> command.

Thanks a lot, :global is perfect! I'm hitting another issue now, with a
part of code not included so far (hence the subject change). Now I have:

fu! <SID>RemoveFuzzy() range
execute ':''<,''>global/^#,\sfuzzy$\|^#|\s.*".*"$/d'
for linenum in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
let line = getline(linenum)
if line =~ '^#,\(.*,\)\=\s*fuzzy'
call setline(linenum, substitute(line, ',\s*fuzzy', '', ""))

I tried (no pun intended) to replace the 'for' loop with:

execute ':''<,''>global/^#,\(.*,\)\=\s*fuzzy/s/,\s*fuzzy//'
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E486/ " based on example from :help catch

but I still get:

E486: Pattern not found: ^#,\(.*,\)\=\s*fuzzy

I can work around it by reversing the order, let the substitute global
do its work and then remove any '^#$' lines left behind in the deleting
global, but according to :help it should work.


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