Hi Eric,
That is one of the very reasons that the Open Source Software community came about. There are hundreds of thousands (maybe several million by now) of people that disagree with the proprietary corporate ways of locking and controlling what you can and can't do on a computer. Apple almost did themselves in a few decades ago with their stubborn proprietary ways. Microsoft took advantage of that and became the mega corporation that they are now. Some how Apple manged to recover from their proprietary lock you out of everything policy. The bigger the corporation the more they don't care about the individual.On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 4:11 PM, Eric Weir <eeweir@bellsouth.net> wrote:
On Mar 20, 2013, at 8:22 AM, Jeroen Budts wrote:
> 2) Cut and paste between apps on Android is very easy. Tap-and-hold aSince getting my iPad, Jeroen, I haven spent very little time on my laptop. Before getting the iPad most of my time on the laptop was spent in Vim, primarily VimWiki. I really miss them. Even feel a little crippled without them. Seriously thinking about investing in a Nexus 10 just to run Vim.
> piece of text and a small toolbar pops-up where you can select cut/copy.
> Then in another app you can tap-and-hold in a textfield and a paste
> button will show up. In Vimtouch you can use the default paste registers
> (*/+) to paste from and copy to the system clipboard.
> (3) The latest Vimtouch release (2.3, released yesterday) now uses some
> standaard Android interface to open files which let you choose files
> from other apps. This even allows you to immediately select a file from
> your Dropbox. A really nice improvement. I guess if you use SugarSync,
> it would also show up in that dialog.
The experience with the iPad has really gotten me irritated at Apple. I can understand that for many users locking up the operating system might be a good idea. But when it prevents others from configuring their systems the way they want, from using apps that would otherwise be open to them, it just seems wrong.
Eric Weir
Decatur, GA USA
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