Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Re: Disable swap file for large files?

Ben Fritz wrote:
> On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 5:36:00 PM UTC-5, John Little wrote:
>> Use the LargeFile plugin, it does exactly that. One can set a variable in your.vimrc to set the threshold; it defaults to 20 MB.
> I'm actually considering uninstalling the LargeFile plugin myself. I have file associations set on my system to launch files in existing Vim with --remote-tab-silent when I double-click them, and when I view a large log file, suddenly all my undo history is lost for all my code files! I really wish 'undolevels' were not a global option, but it is, so LargeFile messing with it is not very good when using the same Vim for everything.
Hmm, I don't typically use the undo functions, so please help me with this:

I think I can get a copy of the undo situation with undotree(). Is
there a way to restore it? I'm thinking of doing a save-undo ... work
with large file ... restore undo scenario.

Chip Campbell

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