How about something like this:
inoremap <silent> = =<Esc>:call <SID>replaceEqualSign()<CR>a
fun! s:replaceEqualSign()
let pos = virtcol('.')
let n = substitute(getline('.'),'\v([A-z0-9])\=','\1 = ','g')
call setline('.',n)
call cursor(line('.'), pos + 2)
- Conner
On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 04:22:39PM -0400, Ethan Hereth wrote:
>On Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 3:54 PM, BaRud <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to replace "=" by " = " only when the previous character is [A-z0-9]
>> so, "blah=" should be dynamically replaced by "blah = ", but not !=.
>> In a vim, I can do this by
>> %s/\v([A-z0-9])\=/\1 = /g
>> but, can it be dynamic, or atleast check the current line for every = entered and replace that?
>You might be able to use an abbreviation to do this. I have not done
>this but it seems like you can write a function and have the
>abbreviation call the function. See the example under :help
>abbreviation where a function called Eatchar is used to delete a space
>typed after an abbreviation. You might be able to write a function
>that checks to see what character appears before the "=" character and
>insert a space if necessary.
>Ethan Alan
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Monday, June 16, 2014
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