Tuesday, October 6, 2015

How to nmap to a literal curly brace?

I want to edit a LaTeX source file, using (g)vim and suitable names, to add \index{…} commands.

In particular, I want to be able to position the cursor anywhere on a word
or selection to be indexed, and then type something like \ind
to add an \index{…} command to the text, where … is the current word.

For example, if the text is

The dog has a bone.

and (in normal mode) I position the cursor on "dog", and type \ind, I want the text to become

The dog\index{dog} has a bone.

If I then proceed to place the cursor on "bone" and type \ind, the text would become

The dog\index{dog} has a bone\index{bone}.


I've tried things like this (in my .gvimrc file)

nmap <Bslash>ind yiwea\index{Pa}<ESC>


yiw yank the internal word (current word) to the default buffer
e move the cursor to the end of the word
a go into insert mode

insert literal "\index{" (SOMETHING IS GOING WRONG AT THIS STEP)

<ESC> escape to normal mode
P print the buffer contents
a go into insert mode
insert literal "}"
<ESC> escape to normal mode

But when I place the cursor on "dog" and invoke the command, I get

The dog\indexdog}{ has a bone.

The left curly brace is appearing after the right curly brace.
Where am I going wrong?



Kenneth R. Beesley, D.Phil.
PO Box 540475
North Salt Lake UT 84054

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