Sunday, October 4, 2015

Re: Unicode input

On 4.10.2015 11:03, Mikołaj Machowski wrote:


Dnia Piątek, 2 Października 2015 19:43 Marcel Svitalský <> napisał(a)

Hi all,

I am having troubles with entering non-printable Unicode characters. I am currently using (g)Vim 7.4.889 on Linux Ubuntu 12.04 ( kernel), compiled with GCC 5.2.0.

Vim help states:
If everything else fails, you can type any character as four hex bytes:

    CTRL-V u 1234

"1234" is interpreted as a hex number.  You must type four characters, prepend
a zero if necessary.

It works all right for common ASCII characters, however for characters above 127 it creates unexpected results:

Got from "Convert to HEX"
3a    :
25    %
73    s
2d    -
c2a0  Unicode non-breakable space
c2ad  Unicode soft-hyphen

Test results:
s   - put in with Ctrl-V u 0073 - OK
슠  - put in with Ctrl-V u c2a0 (its real code is ec8aa0) - ERROR
슭  - put in with Ctrl-V u c2ad
(its real code is ec8aad) - ERROR

As you can see the last two hex numbers put in are interpreted correctly (i.e. a0 is a0, ad is ad), however the first two ones are changed: c2 becomes ec8a.

So I wonder whether I am doing it wrong or whether I should write a bug report. Any help or advice appreciated.

Are you sure that your two last characters are nbsp and soft-hyphen? I don't know if you see but in your post they are some East Asian glyphs.

I've Win version 7.4.640 and Ctrl-V u c2a0 and c2ad are inserted properly (nbsp and soft-hyphen).




that was sort of the point of my problem. :-)

However the matter has been clarified since by Bram and Marvin.


Marcel Svitalský 

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