Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Question on test_increment_dbcs.vim

I'm trying to get vim to compile on my Mac running Mojave and it's
failing. I've grabbed the latest sources:

$ git reset --hard origin/master
HEAD is now at 4d5d0dfe9 patch 8.2.0579: Coverity warns for unused value

My configure command is:

./configure --disable-gui --enable-largefile --enable-multibyte
--enable-pythoninterp --prefix=/usr/local

make succeeds then make test results in:

Executed:  2870 Tests
 Skipped:    33 Tests
  FAILED:     1 Tests

    From test_increment_dbcs.vim:
    Found errors in Test_increment_dbcs_1():
    function RunTheTest[39]..Test_increment_dbcs_1 line 4: Expected
['?R2'] but got ['?S1']
    function RunTheTest[39]..Test_increment_dbcs_1 line 5: Expected [0,
1, 3, 0] but got [0, 1, 2, 0]
    function RunTheTest[39]..Test_increment_dbcs_1 line 9: Expected
['?`?a?b0xDD?e'] but got ['?`?a?b0xDE?e']
    function RunTheTest[39]..Test_increment_dbcs_1 line 10: Expected
[0, 1, 10, 0] but got [0, 1, 4, 0]

make[2]: *** [report] Error 1
make[1]: *** [scripttests] Error 2
make: *** [test] Error 2

After studying test_increment_dbcs.vim, it appears it's failing because
the vim under test isn't recognizing <8e> as "shifting" the next
character, so in <8e>R1, CTRL-A is incrementing the R (alpha has been
added to nrformats) as if it's just a regular alphabetical character,
instead of the 1 (and similarly for the CTRL-X test later in the file),
while it shouldn't be treating R as alphabetical because the encoding
has been set to cp932 and it's preceeded by an <8e>.

If I modify the test so it doesn't added alpha to nrformats, it works,
but for the wrong reason (I think). Does anyone have any idea why it
might be doing this? For now I've just ignored the failure because it's
the only one and it's not something I'll ever use (until after I've
forgotten I've ignored it not working :-) ), but I'd like all the tests
to actually succeed.


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