Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Re: Progress indicator for :TOhtml command

On Jun 1, 7:21 am, Andy Wokula <anw...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> I'd suggest to try one of the existing progress bars (sorry,  didn't try
> them myself yet):
> http://github.com/tomtom/vimtlib/blob/master/autoload/tlib/progressba...http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2006

Hmm, interesting...and thanks! These two plugins seem to use the
statusline for the progress indicator. I thought of that, and
abandoned the idea when I noticed that the status lines weren't being
populated all the way during processing...but later investigation
showed me that's because 'ruler' gets reset from one of the speed-up
options set by the plugin (I don't remember which). At the time, I was
still hoping to use :echon to output the progress indicator, which I
also had to abandon. My eventual goal is to use the full screen width
(or pretty close to it) for the progress bar. Is there a good way to
get this for an individual status line? I didn't think so, whereas
using an ":echo" type command, &columns basically does the trick.

I'll give it a shot using the status line (maybe making use of a
plugin, but I'm hoping for eventual inclusion into the upstream, so
maybe just pulling code from them). Hopefully it will be more usable.
For me, the screen flashes quite a bit *without* the progress
indicator, so I'm not certain it will be, but perhaps the somewhat
static status line will be more readable than a quickly flashing
message at the bottom of the window.

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