Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Re: Progress indicator for :TOhtml command

On Tue, 1 Jun 2010, Ben Fritz wrote:

> What did you do to see the slowdown?

In two separate Vim instances ("vim 2html.vim"--not at the same time):

:let timestart=join(reltime(), ' ') | exe 'so ' . expand('%') | let timefinish=join(reltime(), ' ')
:echo timestart | echo timefinish

Time elapsed about 39 seconds.

:let timestart=join(reltime(), ' ') | exe 'TOhtml' | let timefinish=join(reltime(), ' ')
:echo timestart | echo timefinish

Time elapsed about 31 seconds.

So the first is over 20% slower.

This morning I tried it under a "vim -u NONE --noplugin 2html.vim"
instance and your version was actually four seconds faster than the
original. Odd.

I do have a fairly complex vimrc, as well as a number of plugins

- Christian

Christian J. Robinson <heptite@gmail.com>

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