Monday, February 21, 2011

Re: Vim count selection and put in statusline


carlosp wrote:
> Dear all, I would like to know if there is some non-baroque way of, when
> doing a selection of some text, set in the status line just the number of
> characters in the selection (and of course, when one modifies the selection,
> as moving the coursor in the visual mode) the status line should be updated
> automatically. The solutions that occurred to me involve using external
> commands (like wc -l) and then sending that to vim, each time I move the
> selection etc. Does anyone knows a clean way of doing such a thing?

put the following function in your .vimrc or in a file named

function! VisualSelectionSize()
if mode() == "v"
" Exit and re-enter visual mode, because the marks
" ('< and '>) have not been updated yet.
exe "normal \<ESC>gv"
if line("'<") != line("'>")
return (line("'>") - line("'<") + 1) . ' lines'
return (col("'>") - col("'<") + 1) . ' chars'
elseif mode() == "V"
exe "normal \<ESC>gv"
return (line("'>") - line("'<") + 1) . ' lines'
elseif mode() == "\<C-V>"
exe "normal \<ESC>gv"
return (line("'>") - line("'<") + 1) . 'x' . (abs(col("'>") - col("'<")) + 1) . ' block'
return ''

and then change your 'statusline' option so that it contains


at an appropriate place, e.g., with

:set statusline.=%(\ %{VisualSelectionSize()}%)

you would append it to your current status line. The group %(...%) takes
care of removing the space if VisualSelectionSize() returns an empty
string when you are not in a visual mode.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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