Sunday, December 4, 2011

Re: What does ^S work?

In the old days of using a terminal, there was a protocol to stop/start output to the terminal, so it could be read before it scrolled off into bit heaven; the protocol was called XON and XOFF.  To generate and XON, you typed ^S, and to cancel, and continue the output, you typed ^Q, the XOFF character.

So if you accidentally press ^S, then pressing ^Q will cancel it.  This is a function of the terminal, and probably not vim at all. Vim probably doesn't even see it, but should not interfere, as it is possible some people might still use a remote terminal and need this ability.

Marty Fried
Now proven to be an old fart. :)

On Sat, Dec 3, 2011 at 11:07 PM, IL HAN <> wrote:
I use VIM 7.1
OS: Linux (kernel version 2.6.34)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo
When I hold down the [CTRL] key and press the 's' key simultaneously (both in command mode or insert mode),
since then, any key and any command doesn't work. And I cannot escape from that state.
What does ^S work?
I don't know if this is a bug or not.
But even if you think this isn't a bug,
this is inconvenient and dangerous for me.
I sometimes press ^S mistakenly.
(Especially when I press "^W, s" or ^D.)
Can you please, fix it?
or let me know how to escape from that state if you know that.
Thank you.
Il Han

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