On 2012-02-29, howard Schwartz wrote:
> Hi,
> I successfully installed gvim on a redhat installation, which must
> run in console mode only. It does this fine, and has perhaps double
> the features enabled as the tiny or expanded console vim.
> My problem now is how to select the runtime directories and files for
> gvim, running as console vim? With usual ones, I get various error
> messages related to no graphics. If I used the tiny or expanded
> runtime files, I fear they would not contain some useful features
> (e.g., search, cmd, dictionary completion).
There are not separate sets of plugins or runtime files for the GUI
or terminal modes of Vim. As long as the version of Vim that you're
running supports a _feature_ required by a plugin, it should work
fine. (See ":help feature-list".) Plugins _should_ check for the
presence of a feature before trying to use it, but not all plugins
do that. As long as you're running a reasonably full-featured Vim,
as it sounds like you are, you should have no problem.
If you are having a problem, then please post the _exact_ error
message or messages that you are getting and a minimal list of the
_exact_ commands you executed that gave you the error.
> Specifically, I have tried to impliment the dictionary and thesaurus
> functions, but they do not seem to work. I have the files, and have
> set the dictionary and thesaurus variables to the correct
> directories.
> However, i only get results when I tried to complete a word, for
> instance `have', within a dictionary file itself. In any other file,
> I get ``pattern not found'' for the same word. And I can not use
> i_CTRL-X i_CTRL-K to generate any popup menu with a list of words. Do
> these popups require graphics in linux? They seem to work OK on in my
> dos box under windows.
On a system running Ubuntu 10.04 and using Vim 7.3.434 that I built
myself as a "Normal version with GTK2 GUI", I started Vim as
vim -N -u NONE -c 'set dictionary=/usr/share/dict/words'
to avoid loading any customizations. I then typed 'i' to enter
insert mode, typed 'have' and then Ctrl-X Ctrl-K. The result was a
text-mode pop-up window below my word 'have' that looked like this:
have /usr/share/dict/words
haven /usr/share/dict/words
havens /usr/share/dict/words
haversack /usr/share/dict/words
haversacks /usr/share/dict/words
haves /usr/share/dict/words
See if that much works for you and we'll go from there to get it
working for you with your normal configuration.
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