Friday, February 24, 2012

Re: errorformat help need

2012/2/24 Marcin Szamotulski <>
On 09:30 Fri 24 Feb     , Caesarmv wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to jump through C code warnings.
> I have file with gcc warnings in /home/user/warn.txt:
> *./file1.c:123:15 warning: warning text here*
> *./file2.c:111:11 warning: warning text here*
> *./file3.c:133:10 warning: warning text here*
> I've code in /home/user/code_path, where files
> under /home/user/code_path/path_dir1/path_dir2/file1.c
> I tried to use errorformat and caddbuffer command but no result.
> I want to achieve the following.
> When I press key on current warning line, vim opens code in new tab and
> jumps to line and column specified in warning.
> Could you please help me to setup vim to jump between warnings?
> Thanks

Can you try something like this:
set efm=%f:%l:%c %tarning: %m

then use :cget and :cl or :copen to navigate through warnings.


This doesn't work 
set efm=%f:%l:%c %tarning: %m

 E518: Unknown option: %tarning: 

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