Monday, February 27, 2012

Re: bash function output in vim function

On 2012-02-27, sinbad wrote:
> hi,
> here is what i want. i have a function in bash, based on some
> criteria it emits a list of files, i want these list of files to be
> used in vim's quickfix list. how can this be done. i tried like
> this. The bash function is aliased to bashfunc, but the alias
> is not available in vim's system() cmd, so i wrote a bash
> script, which inturn source's the bashrc for the alias, and
> calls the aliased cmd, when i call this script from vim's system()
> it still doesn't work, am i missing something here.

The bash(1) man page, in the ALIASES section, says:

Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive,
unless the expand_aliases shell option is set using shopt (see
the description of shopt under SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS below).

When executing your script, the shell is not interactive. So
somewhere in your script, you need to put this command:

shopt -s expand_aliases

That will solve your alias expansion problem. Whether that is the
best solution to your overall problem, whatever it is, I don't know.


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