Friday, March 28, 2014

On the new netrw v151 update


Netrw v151 has been made available via Mercurial and from my website: It has several
new features and extensions, as well as bugfixes:

:Rexplore was originally intended to allow one to pick a file via netrw,
edit it, and then return to the netrw buffer.
Extension: it now supports returning from the netrw buffer to
the file one was previously editing in that window.
Think of it as "return from" or "return to", as appropriate.

Windows shares: David Kotchan provided some script which allows netrw to
work properly with windows shares

:Lexplore [path] opens a netrw browser to the far left; a 2nd :Lexplore
command will make the netrw browser go away. (ie. its something of a toggle)
Variables that you may want to use with it:
g:netrw_liststyle (=0 is default thin listing, =1 is long
listing, =2 is wide listing, and =3 is tree style)
g:netrw_winsize (=-# means # columns, =# means #% of window)

[shift-<cr>] + treemode + gvim : may be used to "squeeze" (ie. close)
the directory currently containing the cursor in tree mode

:MF expr : will mark-file files matching the glob-style pattern
specified in the expr (ex. :MF *.c) in the current open netrw browser

:Ntree [dirname] : specify a new tree top for tree listing style

Chip Campbell

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