Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Re: Vim Spreadsheets

Hi piemas25,

On Tuesday, 2014-03-25 15:41:53 +0000, piemas25 wrote:

> 2bis. keep on using Libreoffice
> It could be diff-able, if I save files as CSV, and thus don't use
> formulas, which makes it lose a lot of its appeal. There might be a trick
> to use formulas in CSV documents, maybe by programming plugins or using
> macros; but I think I'd rather spend energy exploring Vim-like solutions.

Check the "Edit filter settings" box when saving as Text CSV and in the
following dialog tick "Save cell formulas instead of calculated values".

> Any more thoughts?

If you wanted to preserve both, values and formulas, plus some of the
number formatting, you may give the SYLK format a try.


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