Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Re: Extremely slow when using relativenumber & syntax highlighting

On Wednesday, March 26, 2014 5:33:49 PM UTC-4, Matteo Cavalleri wrote:
> > Whenever I have relative line number on (relativenumber), and syntax highlighting enabled (syntax on), moving the cursor is painfully slow. Not only moving between lines, but just moving the cursor left/right on the same line.
> which os are you using? do you use gvim or vim under a console?

Linux (gentoo) & console, but the issue is present in gvim as well.

> if you are using terminal vim on linux you may try to change terminal emulator and maybe try to use a bitmap font instead of a antialiased one. trying a different terminal emulator can also be a useful test if your current program has some configuration problem.

I can't see how the terminal emulator would have an effect. It's just changing a few characters on the screen, shouldn't be hard. Plus it doesn't always do it, only on some files. I'm not using an anti-aliased font either. And as mentioned, it occurs in gvim as well.

> since you already tried a stock vim with no config and no plugins I've not other useful suggestions to give...

Appreciate the effort.

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