Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Re: Re : OCaml mode : unable to use \t (type display)


thank you for this response.

> Can you say which version of vim you are using?

I'm using vim 7.4.

> I think it is related to your configuration as I use it without problem
> for months.
> Maybe you can send me your vimrc file, I will say you if I can reproduce
> the bug.

Ok I finally found where it comes from (in the vimrc); I use the following lines to automatically store/restore foldings :

au BufWinLeave ?* mkview
au BufWinEnter ?* silent loadview

It seems that the second one causes the problem. I don't understand all the code in the ocaml.vim file, but I believe that the annotation file is opened and then the previous buffer restored, the problem might come from that. Did you work on this part of the code ?

I don't know exactly how to deal with that… but for the moment I deleted this line of my vimrc file and type display works as expected. (Maybe there is a solution for having both functionalities at the very end of this page but for the moment I can't have it working.)

Thanks a lot,

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