Monday, March 30, 2015

Incorrect column positions with vertical splits


Vim may report incorrect column positions when vertical splits force a
line to wrap.

E.g. enter a line consisting of 80 characters of 'x's. Now perform
vertical splits until the split windows are too small to display all
80 characters in one line. Right now, Vim will still display correct
column positions in the status line, because it cannot break the line
at a word boundary and hence needs to wrap it within the word.

Now move the cursor to e.g. column 40 and replace the 'x' there with a
whitespace. Vim will break the line at the whitespace. If you move
the cursor past the break, you will notice that the column count in
the status line will suddenly jump, apparently incorrectly counting
some whitespace that was used to fill in the break.

Note that jumping to column positions in the line using '|' will not
work as expected anymore either if the position falls within the "jump
range". The cursor will just move to the position of the break

This problem was observed using text-mode Vim version 7.4.258 on Mac OS X.

Best regards,

Markus Mottl

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