Monday, March 23, 2015

Re: Vim mapping clobbered by distro change. And compile barfs.

On 23.03.15 12:14, Elimar Riesebieter wrote:
> A ncurses-dev package is missing. Try:
> # apt-get build-dep vim
> To get all dependencies for a vim built installed...

Ah, presence of the run-time lib isn't enough, then. We need something
at compile time, even though the lib will be dynamically linked later.
Yes, headers at the very least. OK, it makes sense now.

Many thanks, Elimar. After a 309 MB apt-get, the compile is under way.
It should be easy pedalling from here.


In the bathtub of history the truth is harder to hold than the soap,
and much more difficult to find." - Terry Pratchett

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