Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Re: Is there a way to cause vim to display the console screen without actually shelling to it?

Hi Adrian!

On Di, 24 Mär 2015, Adrian wrote:

> I'd like to jump between the console and the editor without having the console scroll up.
> Is there a way that this can be done? I see that there are terminal codes that save and restore the screen and this seems to be what vim uses to restore the console when you shell or Ctrl-Z out, so there must be a way to restore it without causing the shell to be invoked resulting in the terminal being scrolled up. Then a user can hit any key to restore the vim display.
> If this isn't a default feature, could this be done in scripting?

Does that help:
:set t_ti= t_te=

For a detailed explanation see :h xterm-screen

Es gibt nur eine Unannehmlichkeit, die peinlicher ist, als in aller
Munde zu sein: nicht in aller Munde zu sein.
-- Oscar Wilde

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