Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Re: What sets textwidth=78

On Mon, 23 Mar 2015 21:43:04 +0100 Christian Brabandt <> wrote:

> On Mo, 23 Mär 2015, Gevisz wrote:
> > I also quite irritated by this persistent change from tw=0 to tw=78 sometimes.
> Create an autocommand:
> au FileType vim :set tw=0
> Alternatively, use a after ftplugin like this:
> Best,
> Christian

Thank you, Chistian. Your tips are always useful.

But so far, I have already found the place where tw was set to 78 in my case (and deleted it :).

Hopefully, it will be enough to get rid of this situation in the future.

If not, I will try your suggestion.

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