Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Re: Is there a way to cause vim to display the console screen without actually shelling to it?

On 2015-03-24, Adrian wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 2:19:59 PM UTC-4, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> > Does that help:
> > :set t_ti= t_te=
> Thanks Christian,
> No, that just disables saving the terminal prior to (re)entering
> vim. I want to switch to the screen prior to (re)entering vim
> without having to leave vim.
> I.e. I want a command that would switch to the command line
> without generating a prompt or a 'Press ENTER or type command to
> continue' message, but would go back to the vim screen when I
> press any key.
> Thanks again,

I played around a little with these two commands, which sort of
worked, but also confused vim so that I had to refresh the display
with ^L after the second one.

:call system(">/dev/tty tput rmcup")
:call system(">/dev/tty tput smcup")

Have you tried using tmux or screen? Tmux will let you run vim in
one screen and a shell in another and easily switch back and forth
between the two. That's not what you asked for, but may be close
enough to meet your needs.


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