Saturday, March 28, 2015

Re: Bunch of files loaded ==> convertion into "loaded into single tabs"

Hi Meino and Tim,

2015/3/28(Sat) 21:28:08 UTC+9 Tim Chase:
> On 2015-03-28 11:02, wrote:
> > accidentally I have loaded a bunch of files into vim without giving
> > the "-p" option.
> > Is there a way to convert this "loading scheme" (or how can one name
> > that? 8) into the "with separated tabs"-loading scheme without
> > restart vim again?
> You could try
> :argdo tab sp
> (:"sp"lit)

Maybe this might better simple.

:tab all

Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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