Saturday, November 24, 2018

Re: How to set noexpandtab for a specific file

On 2018-11-24, Kit wrote:
> 2018-11-24 15:46 GMT+01:00, Bradley Bell <>:
> > How do I set noexpandtab for automatically, so I do
> > not forget to enter it every time I edit that file ?
> ~/.vim/ftplugin/automake.vim:
> set noexpandtab

Vim doesn't set the filetype of a file named to
"automake", it sets the filetype to "elf". The OP may have to add
an overriding rule to set the filetype of to "automake".

The OP's modeline should work. It would be nice to find out why it
doesn't. Executing

:verbose set expandtab?

may give a clue.


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