Thursday, November 29, 2018

Re: Typing Persian (Farsi) in Vim

On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 11:31 PM Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> You are missing something. You can build Vim with the Arabic and/or
> Farsi feature, but so long as you don't set the 'arabic' or 'fkmap'
> options then nothing should be different. You haven't answered the
> question why anything changes without setting those options. I always
> build with huge features and don't get any Arabic stuff because it's not
> enabled by the option.

IIUC, the OP's problem is that mixed RTL and LTR text is not displayed
in full-bidi in Vim (which is a known limitation, but he regards it as
a major bug) but that the Mac native terminal, which calls itself
xterm-256color and not mlterm, displays full-bidi even in Vim, with
correct shaping of Arabic letters, provided that Vim is compiled with
-arabic. (I don't know how it does that, but I'm not on a Mac myself.)
"set termbidi" (which requires +arabic) apparently corrupts the
display, as shown in one of his posts earlier in this thread.

Best regards,

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