> On 31/01/10 18:12, Gary Johnson wrote:
>> On 2010-01-30, Bee wrote:
>>> On Jan 29, 10:52 am, "Benjamin R. Haskell"<v...@benizi.com> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 29 Jan 2010, Bee wrote:
>>>>> On Jan 29, 7:43 am, "Benjamin R. Haskell"<v...@benizi.com> wrote:
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>> :redir @a
>>>>>> ...
>>>>> How to save directly to a filename?
>>>>> [...]
>>>>> But this creates a file named savevimrc in $HOME
>>>>> redir> savevimrc
>>>>> How to expand savevimrc to the file name?
>>>> :exe "redir> " . savevimrc
>>> Will this always do the same?
>>> :exe "redir>" savevimrc
>> Yes.
>>> From what I have read '.' concatenates without adding spaces,
>>> whereas without using '.' a space will be added.
>> '.' is an expression operator and will concatenate two strings in a
>> context where an expression is allowed. Not having to use a '.'
>> between arguments of an exe command is a property of the exe
>> command, which concatenates all of its arguments with intervening
>> spaces.
>>> Is it just better to get the habit of using '.' ?
>> No, not if you're paying attention to the context in which you're
>> concatenating strings. I prefer not to use the '.' in exe arguments
>> if I can avoid it because it looks less cluttered.
>> Now that I look at them, the examples under ":help :exe" are
>> confusing. The first two examples include spaces after the executed
>> command names even though none are needed there.
>> Regards,
>> Gary
> I agree: both "exe[cute]" and "echo" treat their arguments the same way:
> any number of expressions are allowed, and their values are concatenated
> space-separated into one long string before being further processed.
> Then :echo displays the result while :exe treats it as an ex-command
> line. IOW you can always use :echo instead of :exe to make sure which
> ex-command :exe would generate.
Almost ...
:echo {expr1} {expr2}
slightly differs from
:echo {expr1}.' '.{expr2}
The first command echoes the result of {exprN} before evaluating the next.
func! TestString()
echon '!'
return 'foo'
echon TestString() TestString()
echo ""
echon TestString()." ".TestString()
!!foo foo
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