Monday, April 26, 2010

Re: netrw not working for me with Cygwin + Vim 7.2

Kablooie!! wrote:
 Yes!  I can read a file into the current buffer via: :r scp://machine//path/to/file  Now, how can I make it autoload the netrw module so that I can do it from a cygwin command-line like this:  $ vi scp://machine//path/to/file  am I missing some environment variable?  Is there a chance that vim isn't reading my .vimrc before it tries to open the file specified on the command-line?   
Sounds like a path problem.

1. bring up vim, :echo &rtp
   Your system plugin, autoload, etc directories are generally rooted at the second directory mentioned.
   The first directory mentioned is typically where your personal plugins, autoloads, etc should go

2. read up on  :help $VIM  (assuming you have help working).  As a small quote from the manual:

  The environment variable "$VIM" is used to locate various user files for Vim,
such as the user startup script ".vimrc".  This depends on the system, see

3. read up on  :help $VIMRUNTIME.  Again, a small quote:

The environment variable "$VIMRUNTIME" is used to locate various support
files, such as the on-line documentation and files used for syntax
highlighting.  For example, the main help file is normally

Chip Campbell

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