Monday, April 26, 2010

Windows 7 64bit - use 32bit or 64bit Vim?

I regularily build my on Vim using VS 2008.

I have just been upgraded to Windows 7 64bit and am beginning to set it up.

Seems you always have to choose if you want (or can use) the 32bit
version of software or find a 64bit version.

Now, since I build my own Vim, I guess I can get VS 2008 to build me a
64bit version of Vim.
Here are my problems:

1. I use Perl plugins daily (Perl64 exists).
2. I use Python 2.5 (not that often, but a few plugins which use it),
I am not certain if a 64 bit version of this exists.
3. All my other plugins written in VimScript should of course be fine.

Even if I can compile my Vim using the 64bit Perl version, I am not
certain if my perl modules have 64bit versions, or should that all be
resolved when I simply install them? Or do the authors have to make
64bit changes to make them work in the first place?

Just looking for some feedback on what others have done on the 64bit
versions of Windows which are available these days.


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