Saturday, October 2, 2010

Re: How to execute commands at vim exiting?

Ответ на сообщение «How to execute commands at vim exiting?»,
присланное в 17:09:18 02 октября 2010, Суббота.
Отправитель: Joan Miquel Torres Rigo:

To execute something just before vim exists, you can use `VimLeave` autocommand,
like that:
autocmd VimLeave * KillAllScreens
(you must define KillAllScreens autocommand by yourself). About capturing vim's
pid: use ``let g:vimpid=system('echo -n $PPID')+0''

Текст сообщения:
> Hi,
> Does anybody know if there is some way to execute commands at vim exiting?
> I have the following in my ~/.vimrc to make F-12 key switch between
> "auto-created" screen session associated to current buffer file name
> (future file directory, but I must deal with path slashes before):
> -8<------------------------------------------------------
> " F12 -> Per file Screen session: {{{
> " ==============================
> " cd $(dirname %:p) --> Change to current file's directory.
> " screen
> " -U -> Run in UTF-8 mode.
> " -d -> Deatach if previously attached.
> " -dRR vim_$(basename %:p)
> " -> Use current buffer file name as sessionname; then
> reattach it and, if necessary, detach or create it first. Use the
> first session if more than one session with same name are available.
> " -e^qa -> Change default screen's escape key to CTRL-Q to
> avoid conflict if vim itself is running in other screen session.
> " -p %:p -> Use current buffer file full path as preselected
> (if available) window.
> " * TODO: Create this window by default when not exists.
> noremap <f12>
> :silent<space>!bash<space>-c<space>'cd<space>$(dirname<space>%:p);screen<s
> pace>-UdRR<space>vim_$(basename<space>%:p)<space>-e^qa<space>-p<space>"%:p"
> <space>-c<space>~/.vim/screenrc'<enter>:redraw!<enter>
> " Prepare vim's screen configuration:
> " ----------------------------------
> " Create ~/.vim directory if not already exists.
> silent !mkdir -p ~/.vim
> " Copy user's ~/.screenrc if exists.
> silent !cp ~/.screenrc ~/.vim/screenrc 2>/dev/null
> " Bind F12 to 'detach' command in screen.
> silent !echo 'bindkey -k F2 detach' >> ~/.vim/screenrc
> " }}}
> -8<------------------------------------------------------
> This works much fine, but it's tremendously easy to forgive many
> screen sessions open when exiting.
> The main idea is to capture vim pid (any suggestion about it also will
> be gratefull) an use it in the building of the screen's label.
> This way I could capture all screens generated in the same vim process
> and kill it on exiting.
> I thought that I can redirect vim command to some script to invoke vim
> and do that after it's execution, but I think there must be better
> solution...
> Regards.

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