Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Re: autoalign and html

On 30/01/2012 10:04 a.m., Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
> On 09:51 Mon 30 Jan , Charles Campbell wrote:
>> Marcin Szamotulski wrote:
>>> You can check the AutoAlign version (v14i) from:
>>> Best,
>>> Marcin
>>> On 18:47 Sat 28 Jan , Cesar Romani wrote:
>>>> I'm using wim 7.3.420 on windows 7 with the latest version of
>>>> AutoAlign. Whenever I edit a html file and try to close "<table"
>>>> with ">" I get:
>>>> --------------------
>>>> Error detected while processing function AutoAlign:
>>>> line 70:
>>>> E108: No such variable: "b:autoalign"
>>>> --------------------
>>>> That doesn't happen with other tags, only with<table>
>>>> Many thanks in advance,
>> Hello,
>> Like Marcin S, I don't see an error with<table> in *.html files
>> using v14i.
> I didn't say I don't see an error ;) [I did not try] - this is my
> personal experience with (Auto)Align plugin to test the most recent
> version :).
> Cheers,
> Marcin

Thanks Marcin and Chip, it works with v14i. I tried to update AutoAlign
with GLVS and I thought it'd update to the latest version but it wasn't
the case.



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