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On 31/03/2012 17:03, Phil Dobbin wrote:
> On 31/03/2012 14:23, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
>> On 31/03/12 13:38, Phil Dobbin wrote:
>>> Out of the blue this morning my Debian Squeeze Vim (7.2.445
>>> console=huge GUI=gtk2+huge) has started throwing the hardcopy
>>> error:
>>> `E365: Failed to print Postscript file`
>>> this is on both the GUI & console Debian supplied Vims.
>>> Apt hasn't downloaded & installed any print updates recently &
>>> I can print the same test files from gedit, etc.
>>> Last time I had this on setting up Vim on Fedora it was a
>>> print preferences error (different name for the printer than
>>> specified in my vimrc) but this is not the case in this
>>> instance.
>>> I printed from this Vim on this machine a couple of days ago no
>>> problem & I haven't altered my runtime or machine settings in
>>> the meantime.
>> - Any recent changes in the PostScript / groff / other related…
>> packages on your system? - See also ":help print.txt" and in
>> particular: - :help print-intro - :help print-options
> No, nothing has changed on the system (only nagios has been
> installed & that came without the print monitor option) & I've read
> & re-read the above help files several times but nothing in there
> seems to be relevant.
> `h: E365` isn't much help either I find, so I'm stumped. I have
> exactly the same runtime files on my Vim in OS X & that's OK so
> that probably excludes a plugin problem.
> I'll have to run `dpkg -l` & sift through that to see if I can
> spot anything blindingly obvious but I'd've thought if that was the
> case all the other apps that I can print from would suffer too (lpr
> can print from the command line too).
I solved the hardcopy problem by commenting out the `pdev` line in my
vimrc. Why Vim decided it was no longer correct is a mystery. It
hadn't changed for months. I can only surmise that a fractional change
in something somewhere caused this but I haven't been able to trace it.
Before, Vim wouldn't print without it, now it won't print with it.
- --
But masters, remember that I am an ass.
Though it be not written down,
yet forget not that I am an ass.
Wm. Shakespeare - Much Ado About Nothing
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