Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Re: Matchtime not working

Dotan Cohen, Tue 2012-05-01 @ 19:05:21+0300:
> Is there any way to change the behaviour of the matchparen plugin to
> underline the matching brace, instead of highlighting it? I often get
> confused which is the highlighted brace and which brace has the
> cursor.

matchparen uses the MatchParen highlight group to highlight the matching
character, so you can modify that group to change how it appears.

For instance, in my Vim, running in a color terminal, I can do the
following to remove the highlighting effect and just underline instead:

:highlight MatchParen ctermbg=NONE ctermfg=NONE cterm=underline

You would need to tweak the above if you use the GUI version or a
non-color terminal, but the idea is the same. See `:help :highlight` for

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