Sunday, December 29, 2013

A script to handle `Argument missing after: --remote-silent`

I wanted to set up Vim to run in `--remote-silent` by default (got the idea from Derek Wyatt's videos), and a simple `alias mvim='mvim --remote-silent'` in my bash_profile worked until I tried running `mvim` without any arguments.

I chased my tail on this for a while, but finally came up with a working solution. Thought I'd share, in case anyone else finds this useful or has suggestions/improvements. From my bash_profile:

function ivim {
if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
command mvim --remote-silent "$@"
elif [ -n "$( mvim --serverlist )" ] ; then
command mvim --remote-send ":call foreground()<CR>:enew<CR>:<BS>"
command mvim

If an argument is passed, it calls remote-silent with the passed arguments. Otherwise, it checks for already running Vim servers and if any exist, calls remote-send. If none exist, it simply calls mvim.

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