Saturday, December 28, 2013

display the title of current fold in the statusline

I have a custom statusline and i like to display the title of the fold where the cursor is in while i'm in insert mode.

Here's my statusline:

highlight link StatFname StatusLine
highlight link StatFenc StatusLineNC
highlight link StatPath LineNr
highlight link StatLnum StatusLineNC

highlight link StatFnameINS StatusLine
highlight link StatFencINS StatPath
highlight link StatPathINS StatPath
highlight link StatLnumINS StatPath

highlight link StatFnameNC StatusLineNC
highlight link StatFencNC StatFnameNC
highlight link StatPathNC StatFnameNC
highlight link StatLnumNC StatFnameNC

let &statusline = "%!StatusLine( '' )"
function StatusLine( mode )

let statusline = '%#StatFname' . a:mode . '#'
let statusline .= '%w%t%r%m '

let statusline .= '%#StatFenc' . a:mode . '# '
let statusline .= '[' . (&binary ? 'binary' : (&fenc . (&bomb ? '-bom' : ''))) . ' ' . &ff . '] '

let statusline .= '%#StatPath' . a:mode . '# '
let statusline .= '%<'
if (a:mode == 'NC') || (a:mode == '') && (mode() == 'n')
let statusline .= expand("%:p:h") . (has("win32") ? '\' : '/')
let statusline .= 'TITLE OF FOLD'

let statusline .= '%='

let statusline .= '%#StatLnum' . a:mode . '# '
let statusline .= '%3v | %5l/%L (%3p%%)'

return statusline


autocmd WinEnter,InsertLeave * let &l:statusline = "%!StatusLine( '' )"
autocmd InsertEnter,InsertChange * let &l:statusline = "%!StatusLine( 'INS' )"
autocmd WinLeave * let &l:statusline = "%!StatusLine( 'NC' )"

I Googled and did :helpgrep to find the method without success.

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