Friday, December 27, 2013

Re: Why is `:f` abbrev of `:file` and not of (much more useful) `:find`?

On Friday, December 27, 2013 2:36:01 AM UTC+1, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2013-12-26 17:02, Bruno Sutic wrote:
> > Now to the question:
> > why is the `:f` an abbreviation to `:file`? Why not `:f` -> `:find`?
> Historical/backwards compatibility. The :file command (and ":f"
> shorthand) has existed for decades, including other vi clones.

That's a bummer.

> > `:file` command does not seem that useful, at least not as useful
> > as `:find` in everyday work. And Ctrl-G does the same thing as
> > `:file`! I solved this in my vimrc with `cab f find` - but I'm more
> > interested in the root cause of this.
> That abbreviation would drive me nuts--it might be better to just
> make a ":command" to use "F" instead of intercepting every "f" typed
> on the command-line. Or at least make it an <expr> mapping
> :help :map-<expr>
> with some smarts to only expand when at the beginning of a command.
> I'd hate to try and type
> :%s/foo/bar/g
> and and up with
> :%s/findoo/bar/g

Tim, the abbreviation (cab) is triggered only when typed as a standalone word.
":%s/foo/bar/g" - "f" in word "foo" is *not* expanded!

Some other random examples:
":new f<space>" would be expanded to ":new find "
":new f<dot>" would be expanded to ":new find."
":new fff.fff<space>" *not* expanded
":new asdf<space>" *not* expanded

Anyway, in practice I think `cab f find` works just fine.

> > Do you think Bram would be open to changing the `:f` vim default?
> I'm pretty certain that it wouldn't be entertained, as Vim tends to
> be pretty strict about backwards compatibility.
> There's a theoretical possibility that one could create some sort of
> 'cpoption' that would change the meaning of it, but that sort of
> thing is usually only done for new functionality, not just changing
> default abbreviations.
> While I confess that I use ":file newname" more than I use ":find",
> it's mostly because :file has my finger memory, and :find doesn't (and
> either way, I type out ":file" rather than ":f"). I'll have to work
> on bringing ":find" into my muscle memory.
> > (although I have a feeling I would not be the first one to ask)
> I've been vimming for over a decade and on the mailing list for most
> of that, and this is the first I've seen of such a request, so you
> may be a lone trail-blazer. :-)

Thanks for letting me know :)

> -tim

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