Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Re: Where is my system-wide init file?

On 30.12.13 08:32, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2013-12-30, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> > On 29/12/13 21:15, Elena Garrulo wrote:
> > >Thank you for making me learn the "type" command. Cool! :-)
> >
> > There is also "which" which is a separate program (and thus works for
> > all shells) but it doesn't know about shell aliases.
> The which(1) v2.20 man page recommends using a shell function
> wrapper around which that finds aliases and functions as well.

Remarkable how much good sense can be found in manpages. For the last
quarter century or more, I've had (on every machine I touch¹):

$ grep which .bashrc
alias which='type -a' # Checks aliases & functions also.

(Never could understand why I should ask the shell to type thingy,
then expect it to answer with which thingy it'd use, instead.)

Alas, the 2009 Debian manpage in my Ubuntu distro lacks the wisdom
you've found.


¹ First HP-UX, then Solaris, now linux - all had "type" AFAIR.

Leibowitz's Rule:
When hammering a nail, you will never hit your finger if you hold the
hammer with both hands.

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