Monday, December 30, 2013

Re: funcrefs forms

On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 08:55:17AM +0100, Alexandre Hoïde wrote:
> .vim <--
> function! s:SID()
> return matchstr(expand('<sfile>'), '<SNR>\zs\d\+\ze_SID$')
> endfunction
> function! s:objectConstructor(name)
> let obj = {}
> let = a:name
> let obj.form1 = s:objFuncs.form1
> let obj.form2 = function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:objFuncs_form2')
> return obj
> endfunction
> let s:objFuncs = {}
> function! s:objFuncs.form1()
> echo
> endfunction
> function! <SID>s:objFuncs_form2() dict
> echo
> endfunction
> let otst = s:objectConstructor('test')
> call otst.form1()
> call otst.form2()
> -->

… to be more specific, on the sample code above, the following :
echo function('s:objFuncs.form1')
echo function('<SNR>' . s:SID() . '_s:objFuncs_form2')
--> Gives <--

Except form1 being {anonymous,numbered}-function and form2 beeing
just a dictionary-function, I don't see much difference between the 2

The 1st form being more concise, I was wondering
a) why would someone use form2 (which I came accross on riml¹ README).
b) what makes the anonymous form1 preferable (besides conciseness)


| $ post_tenebras ↲ |       waouh !
| GNU        \ /    |      /
|          -- * --  |     o
| $ who ↲    / \    |_-- ~_|
| Alexandre Hoïde   |  _/| |

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