Monday, July 25, 2016

Re: Changing the defaults with Vim 8

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> On Sunday, July 24, 2016 at 8:03:06 AM UTC-5, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>> if has("autocmd")
>> " Enable file type detection.
>> filetype plugin indent on
> Don't common plugin managers require you to turn on filetype stuff at a very specific location, e.g. *after* loading the plugin manager functionality?
> I.e. will this interfere with plugin managers? Or is it enough for them to document "filetype off...enableMe()...filetype plugin indent on" in their installation instructions?
> I guess many Vim distributions already enable filetype stuff in the system vimrc, so maybe the installation instructions already account for this.

":filetype plugin indent on" is one of the settings in the
vimrc_example.vim. I don't know when it was put there but it was
before my time, so I expect that most users have this as part of their
vimrc (either by sourcing the vimrc_example.vim from their vimrc, as I
do, or by having copied what was then the current vimrc_example.vim to
their first vimrc).

As said before, I source the vimrc_example.vim then I set ":filetype
indent off" because I personally find the filetype-dependent indenting
too overwhelming for my taste. Plain 'smartindent' is enough for me,
and perhaps just a tiny wee bit much, but that's what I use; but
filetype detection (and ":syntax on" which the example vimrc also
sets, and relies on knowing the filetype) I have liked from the start.

If a plugin manager expects to run before filetype detection is
enabled, it would have to be sourced from a _system_ vimrc, which is
one of the very few vimscripts run before the _user_ vimrc; however in
that case it would also find itself in 'nocompatible' mode since at
that point Vim hasn't yet asked itself "Does this user have a vimrc?"

Best regards,

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