Monday, July 25, 2016

Re: Changing the defaults with Vim 8

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:00 PM, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> Hirohito Higashi wrote:
>> I think it is better to change the default value of Vim body for some
>> of the options.
>> i.e.
>> set wildmenu
>> set ruler
>> set showcmd
>> set tags=./tags;,tags;
>> etc...
>> Obviously useful things should be changed.
> A few people have mentioned setting 'wildmenu'. I also have that set.
> I wonder if there are real disadvantages to setting it by default?
> Keep in mind that most of these defaults are for options that new users
> would not even know about. It's possible that a few users don't like it
> and have to disable it in their .vimrc. So long as that number is
> small (less than 1%?) that would be an acceptable price for helping new
> users enjoying Vim more.

I use 'wildmenu' too, but it should be remembered that it goes hand in
hand with 'wildmode' and for the latter I'm not sure everyone, or even
most people, use the same setting (I use ":set

Otherwise I like it so much that I source menu.vim in my vimrc
(guarded of course by "if has('menu') && !has('gui_running')") in
order to be able to use the gvim-like menus (File, Edit, etc.) even in
Console mode, on the statusline (and even though I actually don't use
them often).

Best regards,

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