Monday, July 18, 2016

Re: Use Case survey for C developers power tools plugin

Munawar Hafiz wrote:

> We want to know from the C developers (and hopefully future
> consumers of our plugin) about features that you would love
> to have. This will help us make a better tool for the Vim+C
> developer community.

Some features that I'd find useful:

- jump to definition or declaration of symbol
- list references to symbol
- highlight compilation errors/warnings as I edit (asynchronously)
- jump to base class (c++)
- list derived classes
- find various implementations of virtual method
- smart completion
- be reliable (no heuristics), fast, without using too much memory
- automatic code re-indexing as code changes
- easy integration with build systems

I'm using the vim-rtags plugin which brings several of these
features already for c++:


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