Friday, July 15, 2016

Re: Digest for - 12 updates in 3 topics

@Richard Mitchell.

I can't tell you how much I object to this. (I'm not being aggressive, honest!)

There is no "proper extension" for a shell script.  Run "file /usr/bin/* | grep -i shell" to see a list of o/s built in shell scripts.  Then run this:
 file /usr/bin/* | grep -i shell  | awk '$1 ~ /\.sh/'

Exactly 3 of them (on my Ubuntu system) have the extension ".sh".

This is a (silly) windowsism, where file-extensions matter.   Now, Unix does sometimes care.  The C compiler, for instance expects source in .c and headers in .h. But, or course it produces executables with no .exe extension.  For a shell script, it's the #! line which tells the kernel to run it in a shell, and magic numbers for other types (which is all the same thing, and how "file" works).

I do like the idea of copying (I'd link) the .sh version to a bin/<filename> version, but let's not propagate this daft idea of filename extensions mattering to the os.

You can still grep:
If you can't remember how a case statement works:

grep case $(file * | awk '/shell/ 'print (substr($1,length($1)-1)') (# to get rid of the colon - and I've not tested that specific line, but it's something I do occasionally.)  This is proper use of Unix, not demanding file extensions.   Unix is great, but it's expert-friendly, and not as windows claims to be "user" friendly.

Sorry to rant, but it's important to me - and you might guess where I stand on systemd :-)


On 15 July 2016 at 10:19, <> wrote:
Willem D'Haese <>: Jul 14 08:03AM -0700

On Thursday, 7 July 2016 07:20:22 UTC+2, Christian Brabandt wrote:
> It looks like the syntax script does not handle here documents.
> Best,
> Christian
Hello Christian,
Thanks for the help. It is actually a Bash script with filename FireTIG (without .sh extension) I made myself. Where can I find the syntax file for Bash?
Charles E Campbell <>: Jul 14 02:56PM -0400

Willem D'Haese wrote:
>> Christian
> Hello Christian,
> Thanks for the help. It is actually a Bash script with filename FireTIG (without .sh extension) I made myself. Where can I find the syntax file for Bash?
Please try the syntax files for sh.vim available at: (v154).
Chip Campbell
Richard Mitchell <>: Jul 14 01:24PM -0700

On Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 11:03:47 AM UTC-4, Willem D'Haese wrote:
> Hello Christian,
> Thanks for the help. It is actually a Bash script with filename FireTIG (without .sh extension) I made myself. Where can I find the syntax file for Bash?
> Grtz
As a pointless programming tip, I put the proper extension on my script code files (.sh, .pl, etc) and then use make to copy&strip the extension/chmod them into a bin area. While this seems unnecessary, besides making it easier for vim know how to colorize the code, it also allows the use of find/grep for searching.
Yang Luo <>: Jul 13 11:41PM -0700

I write a function like this:
function InsertNumber(start, end, step)
let i = a:start
let curr_line = 0
while i <= a:end
if a:step <= 0
echo "Error: step cannot <=0."
call append(curr_line, i)
let i += a:step
let curr_line += 1
when I call this function, I type this:
:echo InsertNumber(8,10,1)
1) How can I give arguement "step" a default value(eg: 1) when define the function?
like a C function:
void C_func(int a, int b_have_default_val = 1)
I want to print number like this, how to do it?
"Jürgen Krämer" <>: Jul 14 09:09AM +0200

Yang Luo schrieb am 14.07.2016 um 08:41:
> {
> ;
> }
you can use optional arguments like this
function InsertNumber(start, end, ...)
if a:0 == 0
let l:step = 1
let l:step = a:1
> 08
> 09
> 10
Use the printf() function:
call appendline(curr_line, printf('%02d', i))
Or if your numbers can have more than two digits:
let width = trunc(log10(a:end)) + 1
let format = '%0' . width . 'd'
call appendline(curr_line, printf(format, i))
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)
Yang Luo <>: Jul 14 02:01AM -0700

thanks alot
Yang Luo <>: Jul 14 03:06AM -0700

I complete the function as follow, now I want to add radix option, but I don't know how to get width. Can you help me complement it
function InsertNumber(start, end,...) " step,is_column_first_0_padding,radix(b,d,o,x)
let l:i = a:start
let l:curr_line = 0
if a:0 == 0 " a:0 extra argument numbers
let l:step = 1
let l:step = a:1 " the first extra argument
if a:0 == 2
let l:is_padding = 0
let l:is_padding = 1 "default padding
if a:0 == 3
let l:radix = a:3
let l:radix = ""
if l:radix == "b"
elseif l:radix == "o"
elseif l:radix == "x"
let l:width = float2nr(trunc(log10(a:end))) + 1
let l:format = '%0'.l:width.'d'
while l:i <= a:end
if l:step <= 0
echo "Error: step cannot <= 0."
if l:is_padding == 1
call append(curr_line, printf(l:format, l:i))
call append(curr_line, l:i)
let l:i += l:step
let l:curr_line += 1
"Jürgen Krämer" <>: Jul 14 02:52PM +0200

Yang Luo schrieb am 14.07.2016 um 12:06:
> let l:curr_line += 1
> endwhile
> endfunction
there is an simpler way to calculate the necessary width -- just count
the number of characters used for the a:end parameter when printed:
let width = strlen(printf('%d', a:end))
This can also be used to calculate the width for other radices than 10:
if l:radix == "b"
let width = strlen(printf('%x', a:end)) * 4
elseif l:radix == "o"
let width = strlen(printf('%o', a:end))
elseif l:radix == "x"
let width = strlen(printf('%x', a:end))
let width = strlen(printf('%d', a:end))
Note that there is no specification for output as a binary number in
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)
Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <>: Jul 14 07:00PM +0300

> else
> let l:step = a:1 " the first extra argument
> endif
let l:step = get(a:000, 0, 1)
Other arguments are to be handled in a similar fashion.
> else
> let l:radix = ""
> endif
let l:radix = get(a:000, 2, 'd')
(needed for the below suggestion).
> elseif l:radix == "x"
> else
> let l:width = float2nr(trunc(log10(a:end))) + 1
let l:width = len(a:end)
For other radix variants you will have to use printf indeed.
I could even suggest
let l:format = '%0*' . l:radix
let l:width = len(printf('%' . l:radix, a:end))
(note: no if's at all).
> let l:format = '%0'.l:width.'d'
let l:format = '%0*d'
> echo "Error: step cannot <= 0."
> break
> endif
This is wrong place to check, l:step does not change, but you check it
constantly. Move all arguments checks just below the place where you
define arguments.
> if l:is_padding == 1
> call append(curr_line, printf(l:format, l:i))
call append(curr_line, printf(l:format, l:width, l:i))
Bee <>: Jul 13 11:28PM -0700

I tried to pass a count to <F11> but got a range error.
nmap <F11> :call VMA()<bar>:bn<cr>
Can it be done?
nmap <F12> :bn<cr>
4<F12> works
"Jürgen Krämer" <>: Jul 14 08:59AM +0200

Bee schrieb am 14.07.2016 um 08:28:
> Can it be done?
> nmap <F12> :bn<cr>
> 4<F12> works
in my experience counts and mappings don't work together very well. A
preceding count is always used for the first command in the mapping only.
So what happens when you enter
is that Vim converts your count to an address for the command-line,
which effectively results in
:.,.+3call VMA()|:bn
In your mapping you first have to remove this address and "move" the
count to the front of the command :bn. The count is stored in the global
variable v:count. There is an example at :help v:count which can be
:nmap <F11> :<C-U>call VMA()<bar>execute v:count1 . "bn"<cr>
Note that I removed the superfluous second colon and that instead of
v:count I used v:count1 which defaults to 1 if no count was given.
Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)
Bee <>: Jul 14 02:45AM -0700

> --
> Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
> in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)
More reading... a count is not needed.
First time I have used bufdo!
function! B_() " field delimiter ';'
g/^\d*;\+$/d " remove blank records
v/^\d\+;/d " remove non-data records
let @4=expand('%:t:r') " remove path, extension
let @4=substitute(@4,'\s\+',' ','g') " remove extra whitespace, normalize
let @4=substitute(@4,'^ ','','') " remove leading whitespace
let @4=substitute(@4,' $','','') " remove trailing whitespace
let @4=substitute(@4,'.*\zs ',';','') " replace ' ' ';' before date
let @4.=";" " append ';' filename;date
g/^\d\+;/:normal "4P " prefix lines filename;date;
endfun " example :bufdo call B_()
function! B() " everyone keep quiet
silent bufdo call B_()
endfun " example :call B()
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