Sunday, April 9, 2017

Re: RFE: enable gvim to open a buffer or tab in a new window

Jacky Liu wrote:
> I wrote a script to implement the side-by-side view with vim. See if it meets your need.
To give you an idea of my desktop (note 7-8 vim windows are
minimize that have 2 files(in two tabs) each) besides the visible

It isn't like this all of the time, but this proj has more files
than usual.

This shows one meaning of "staggered" -- so I can see the titles
no matter which windows are on top.

The status wins on the upper right are usually covered to some or most
extent, but I do like to peek at them periodically. Error window is
upper left, and compile and cmd window down right.

The project thing would be neat if it would open them in separate
windows (sigh).

I am showing my desktop to give you an idea of how much I don't use
a grid to layout my windows...but use the Window manager to bring
files forward as needed (or from minimized state)...

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