Saturday, July 7, 2018

Re: NetrwC losing modified buffers

Am Fr., 6. Juli 2018 um 18:00 Uhr schrieb Steven Holt <>:
> On 03.07.2018 20:56, tooth pik wrote:
> > i just :r!ls -AgGl * into a hidden buffer and use gf on the contents
> That works if you do it once in a while but when you work with a project
> with many directories and have to re/move/preview/edit files all the
> time, it provokes violent behaviour.
> Dirvish is very close to what I expected from a vim'ish file browser.
> On 03.07.2018 15:29, Justin M. Keyes wrote:
> > One may be forgiven for thinking that netrw was designed to lose
> > data, but no, I don't think it was intentional. That particular bug,
> > I think, was fixed in more recent versions of Vim.
> I don't think so, I have latest stable (?) 8.1 on another machine and it
> has the same problem.
> > But other subtle, pernicious bugs still exist in netrw since 2012 or
> > longer. It's difficult to fix them because netrw is too complicated
> > (eleven-thousand lines of Vim script).
> >
> > netrw drove me crazy enough to create
> > , which focuses on
> > reliability and harmony with Vi/Vim idioms.
> I like Dirvish philosophy, especially its approach to operating on files
> via a visual script (:Shdo, x). But I ran into several problems -
> they're below, tell me if we should discuss this directly instead of via
> the list.
> 1. Are preview windows (p) not marked as preview? :pclose and ^W_z do
> nothing on them (in netrw they close all preview windows without having
> to select them manually).

Read "p" as "previous window" if that makes more sense. Dirvish
currently doesn't do anything with Vim's preview-window concept. I had
considered it, but decided to keep it dumb. "p" opens in whatever
window you last visited ("previous").

> 2. Is there any analog to netrw_chgwin? I like to keep a directory
> browser visible in a nearby window, switching to it occasionally to open
> a new file (and leaving the directory window be). With netrw (if not for
> that nasty bug), it could be accomplished by "setting edit window"
> (:NetrwC). I wish there was a similar command in Dirvish that once
> called on a window would cause all future files to be opened in that
> window rather than in new splits.

"p", ctrl-n, and ctrl-p serve that purpose in a dumb way. There's no
global "mode", Dirvish doesn't attempt to track that kind of stuff, it
leads to bugs and will always end up disappointing because it means
the plugin must fight Vim. netrw tries to fight Vim and often loses.

> 3. Opening multiple files (Visual, I) for me opens all but one as hidden
> buffers. Visual, O does open them all in splits. For two files, I see
> the practical value (one is alternate so you can switch between both),
> but how does one use it for 3 and more files?

:bnext ? Not sure what else you would expect.

> 4. Netrw has a tree listing style (g:netrw_liststyle = 3). Dirvish
> claims its buffers are filenames only, but for gf and possibly other
> commands leading spaces are removed. Would it be possible to implement a
> similar mode with indentation used to indicate directory hierarchy, and
> directories can be collapsed/expanded instead of entered?

> 5. Track of the preview window is lost after any of Dirvish splits were
> closed, making p open marked file in the Dirvish window itself rather
> than in the existing preview window. Reproduce:

Dirivsh doesn't track anything. "previous", not "preview".

Justin M. Keyes

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