Thursday, July 12, 2018

Re: Syntax matching question(s)

On Thursday, July 12, 2018 at 10:51:40 PM UTC-4, Robert wrote:
> I am creating a vim syntax file for GNU Rec as an exercise in creating a new syntax file.
> The things that I need colored are:
> %word:
> +
> word:
> # comment
> I have the following so far:
> " /^%\w+:\s/gm
> syntax match recDesc "\v^%\w+:\s"
> " recField
> " /^\w+:\s/g,
> syntax match recField "\v^\w+:\s"
> " /^\+\s/gm
> syntax match recPlus "^+\s"
> " /^#.*/gm
> syntax match recComment "^#.*"
> The first "recDesc" is not working but the other three (3) are. I was wondering why that is so? I am thinking recDesc and recField are too close in matching.
> Also, is there a better regex for the matches?
> Thanks for any help and suggestions.
> --
> Bob

Had a late work night so did this:

syntax match recField "\v^\w+:\s"
syntax match recPlus "^+\s"
syntax match recComment "^#.*"

syntax region recDesc start="^%" end=":" contains=recField

Everything works. Are those "optimal"?


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