Sunday, July 22, 2018

Re: yank and put not vmapping in debian stretch

will do. thanks very much for your offer of help.

On 7/22/18, Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 3:40 AM, tom arnall <> wrote:
>> i can't get yank or put to map to a kb shortcut in visual mode. i'm
>> running debian stretch.
> This problem description is so vague that I can't even begin to try to
> reproduce it. Please include the following:
> 1. Which Vim version, patchlevel, and featureset? (Please paste the
> first lines of the output of the :version command, up to and including
> the one which ends in "Features included (+) or not (-)"). How to get
> that into a file or into the clipboard is explained at ":help :redir".
> 2. Please describe in detail what you do (as a "recipe": 1. do this,
> 2. do that) using clear and simple language, so that even someone only
> half-proficient in English can understand it.
> 3. At the end, or after the important steps of the procedure at 2
> above, please say what you see ("Actual result") and what you expected
> ("Expected result").
> Best regards,
> Tony.
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