I'm running version 7.2.245 on an Ubuntu server.
I've been a vi user since the 1980's and use the tags feature
My coworker cannot get tags to work in vim. Any tag he tries returns:
E426: tag not found: <subroutine name here>
I can reproduce this by logging in as a different user than myself.
is magical about my environment that allows tags to work for me but no
The conditions are:
I'm "in" the directory where the source is, as well as where the tags
file is.
The tags file is 644, read by world.
The source files are 644, read by world.
How can I debug what the problem is?
Why can't vim find the tag even though it's right there in the tags
How can I ask vim what it's "path" is for finding the tags file? I
can't find that in the help.
:set all doesn't show anything like a list of locations to search for
If I set verbose to 99, I see vim trying all kinds of stupid places
for the tags file,
except the current directory.
I do not have a .vimrc or .exrc, just this in my .profile:
EXINIT="set ai sm magic ic sw=4 cedit= export EXINIT
Bill Dudley
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