Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Re: some bugs

On 28/07/10 16:01, Boyko Bantchev wrote:
> On 27 July 2010 18:18, Tony Mechelynck<> wrote:
>> ...
>> You may have ncurses, but do you have ncurses-dev ?
>> ...
> Bram, Tony, thank you for helping!
> I did what you suggested. More precisely (I am mentioning this
> for the benefit of those who would also want to build vim3.7b under
> Ubuntu) I did the following:
> – installed the packages libncurses5-dev and libgtk2.0-dev
> – make distclean
> – ./configure --prefix=$HOME/vim73b --enable-gui=gtk2
> – make
> – make install
> Indeed (as Bram said) there are no problems with parsing and printing
> f.p. numbers in the new version. However, I'd like to report of other
> bugs.
> One is the incorrect display of Unicode characters with grave (U+0300)
> or acute (U+0301) combining accents (that I already mentioned).
> Another (at least I see it as a bug) is that the keymap option is
> dropped, rendering the 'set keymap' command useless.

Works for me. The 'keymap' option is still present, but it's (always
ben) a compile-time feature. See at how I set my
configure options — and BTW I never call configure directly: I let make
do it, by running "make config" (for configure only) or "make reconfig"
(for configure + compile) if something has changed in my configuration
settings or in my software install.
-- Hm, you didn't specify which featureset, which means that you want
"Normal" features. For keymaps you need "Big" features.

About the combining accents, what was it again? ISTR that it was not
with every non-combining character. Currently, in one of my gvim 7.3c
windows there is a file where I'm typing a mixture of Russian and
French, with a homemade keymap for Cyrillic and combining acutes to show
the stress in Russian, and it works quite well. In fact those combining
acutes are displayed better in gvim than in SeaMonkey.

...ah yes, the last byte of U+0300 is 0x80 in UTF-8, the last byte of
U+0301 is 0x81, and IIRC Vim had problems with that in some
circumstances; but didn't Bram fix it?

> Finally, a bug that I reported in August 2008 is still present: see
> and
> Best regards,
> Boyko

Well, have you tried applying Ben's patch? And does it work?

Best regards,

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